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JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5: Round 2 Match 8 - Arpeggi and Agnes Versus Glitch and William

The results are in for Match 6. The winner is…
Player Team, with a score of 83 to Ernie Ford’s 62!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Players 25-5
Quality TIE 24-24 Reasoning
JoJolity Players 24-23 Reasoning
Conduct TEAM 10-10
...“You know what I'm here for!” Effie’s words rang out as Ernie watched on at the unexpected turn of events.
“The funny thing is I really don’t know.” Ernie stood there and took in the scene. Was this the first time he had seen this type of outburst in the District? Ernie tried to recall, but now wasn’t really the time to reminisce on bad memories.
Something was afoot. Something about Ugo threatening them that was for sure. But if Ugo wanted somebody to fight him this would never be his plan of attack. “Would you care to enlighten me then, I wouldn’t mind this either way!” Ernie shouted back, his tone was neutral, the tension of the situation only increased, but he didn’t see a need to fight back even now.
“They sent us here, because they wanted us to steal your notebook!” Ernie heard the voice of Jenny behind a tree.
Things started to make sense to Ernie, the hiding, why it wasn’t Odin’s people doing this, and that outburst. “And what do you two intend to do?” Ernie moved his backpack from his back to carrying it on one arm.
“Well if you help us, you could send them a fake notebook! It’s not like we like those fuckers anyways!” Jenny replied beyond the trees.
Well that wasn’t so difficult was it, it only took one or maybe both of their ire to get to this arrangement. Ernie weighed this against the prospect that they were lying to him, but if it came down to it it would just be either a fight now or a fight later. “Alright I’ll help you! I’ll be in my cabin manuscripting! You two wait outside, this will take less than an hour!” Ernie shouted back over as he started to walk back to his cabin.
“Your funeral..wait what?!” Effie flipped as Jenny clapped an arm on her, “We did it, we can get out of this shitty situation.”
Effie looked around, The Murder receded back into herself. “Did that really just happen?” She held out the hope that it really would be that easy, she wanted to believe it but she felt a slight pang of confusion, guilt maybe?
Jenny continued on, “We just have to make sure that he does his end of the deal and we’ll be out of here in no time.” Jenny looked at Effie’s face as she noticed the change in expression, “You okay there? You let out a bunch just now and if you wanted to talk about it.”
“No I’m ok, come on we have to still keep an eye on him.” Effie brushed Jenny’s arm off and made her way closer into the clearing with Jenny following.
Well, that was somewhat anticlimactic. If you were hoping for a match with some more carnage in it, how about checking out a race out of a monster-filled urn and voting on it?
Sound’s Garden Eastern Strip - Heartache Casino VIP Room
“So kind of you all to come again,” a man dressed garishly in gold spoke to a roomful of wealthy highrollers, a lounge area with a wall taken up by a screen large enough to make the place double as something of a particularly cozy home theater, a setup which had typically been reserved for two things: watching games organized by Heartache Casino’s owner on the closed-circuits of buildings he owned, and being rented out for private parties and banquets.
“This is pretty unconventional,” a dark-haired sniper remarked between drinks, staring at the screen as it showed, largely, several shots of a building in Downtown Los Fortuna, which seemed to have rapidly grown occupied by a small group of Stand Users, some of whom familiar to the district’s regulars after some close shaves in the subways both occupied, “but it’s brilliant… Just needed to get your tech guy to get cameras in there, now you have a huge show for free.”
“Should you be drinking, Seido?” The gold-clad owner asked, raising an eyebrow, “I mean, if something comes up…”
“If something comes up, I’m off-duty, I’m just a guest right now, and I can shoot well enough sloshed to get myself out of a bind. If you wanted me as security, you should’ve hired me for that… Though really, I’d have rather been down there raising some hell if I was gonna shoot things.”
Tigran sighed, finding that fair enough, he supposed… He wasn’t going to hire this man when he was buzzed, and he wouldn’t do guard detail for free either. Apparently, the man literally came to the city walking out of a bar into the flag unveiling, so he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Still, though, even with moods high here, nobody seeming to mind the way anonymous characters like Oh No and Conqueror Worm mingled among them. Sure, they were kind of a low-priority target right now, with protests in the Business district, the hell-on-earth about to be unleashed Downtown keeping their worst nightmares busy, and the usual BS in places like the Waterfront and Industrial, but the man once noted for his supremely smarmy overconfidence had been feeling more anxious lately, probably because the Entertainment District’s criminal underground had taken some losses recently.
Things were riding high with several successful games, and the arrival of Conqueror Worm, revitalizing everything that they had thought they’d known and opening up whole new possibilities of what games might be possible to organize from a place of safety, all while not asking for a penny of payment. He was a weird guy, but a valuable asset, and all that was understood to be asked in return was that they pretend not to know exactly who it was underneath that big fleshy suit.
And then, the next time they had an in-person event, a bunch of them died in a fire, and on the way to… Well, who knew why he was there, but something happened that got a formerly active manager and ‘game’ organizer murdered blocks away from the site of the flames. Was it a sign, then, that the old ways really were dying, that they needed to change with the times or lose this subculture of theirs entirely?
Maybe, and maybe some would leave it like that, but Tigran “Golden” Sins knew another source of common ground with every one of their games to go wrong, to go awry, to risk the future and safety of all that they were, all that they had. Everything (besides that time he got punched in the face) that had gone wrong, from Thutmose leaving them, to events that were supposed to be disastrous bloodbaths going well for the ‘players’ and ruining bets, could trace back somewhere.
And she was sitting there looking very disinterested, nursing a sparkling juice in a very expensive evening dress and earrings, recently bought by the only man in the world he believed to be above himself.
“Having a good time, Metra?” Fox asked the star known to much of the city as TD/MD, smiling smoothly and paying her more attention than the event itself, where he was significantly more public than before. He’d spent how many thousands on her in a few days?
“Sure, yeah,” she answered, with a clear disinterest and foul mood.
“I understand if you’re not… we’re all sorry to have lost Thutmose. Most likely by where he was, whoever killed him would have done the same to us had he not interfered. So he would want you to have a good time, right?”
“Alright, everyone, last calls!” Conqueror Worm called out, many eyes looking all over. After getting back from camera work, he’d volunteered to handle bets, on account of his utter disinterest in profiting from his work there. Damn shame, honestly; Tigran loved that weird golden Stand-hurting sword he’d always been swinging around, and something belonging to a regional founder would be a hell of a get to wear around. “We know all the key players in that little downtown scuffle, so let’s hear it! Who’s biting it? Who’s comin’ out? Who’s gonna have the highest bodycount? Is anyone even gonna get IN?”
That Oh No guy, from the Institute, spoke up through that voice changer he almost always had on in his coverings. “I think that… Three people will manage to find their way inside. Nobody on this betting board.”
“Ooh, bold words from our boldest regular!” Worm leaned in close, asking, “how much’re you puttin’ on that?”
“Nothing,” No responded, “I just want to see what comes of it… I’m almost disappointed you needed to ask.”
Peas in a pod, those two. Tigran sighed, figuring he might need to drink through these proceedings, only to glance at Metra, suddenly, seeming to smirk, ears twitching as if that special pitch of hers had picked something up. “What? What’s so fun now, that-”
The heavily reinforced, hidden doorway to the VIP room burst open, bisecting the hollow yet burly door guard as sand and rocks spilled out of its hollow crevasse, the only herald within seconds of a quintet of Stand Users barreling in, led by a trio on two motorbikes as two others, curious but energetic, followed.
“All that you’ve done ends here, Fox!”
Around the same time, Heartache Casino Public Floors
“Uh… Glitch? I think… it might be good if we… go?” William Eyelash was not liking it here very much. His hyperactive coworker and teammate had practically dragged him here after what was otherwise a simple delivery performed in place of Zebra, who had been busy enough delivering food to the other side of the city. William was the one supposed to carry it out, but Glitch had practically jumped at the opportunity to do so.
Glitch herself, meanwhile, seemed to be very content eating some fries which she (very regrettably) had to actually buy instead of simply snatching it away from a poor, unaware bystander, and had already ordered another plate because they were just that good. Security was too tight, somewhat on edge - the moment she got close to someone or something, they immediately turned their attention to her. Still, she didn’t want to deprive herself of one of the many pleasures of life like that, so she didn’t mind paying too much. “Mmrgh..? Why sho?”
“W- well… you know… uh...” William wasn’t sure how to say it - he was scared enough of Glitch’s erratic mannerisms most days, and that was while he tried to steer clear of her. Were he to directly oppose her, he’d have no way of knowing what she’d do! On top of that, he couldn’t help but notice that she seemed slightly… on edge. She was usually hyperactive, but she seemed to be even more eager to jump from one thing to another recently, and to ignore anything that even slightly stressed her out. Considering everything that happened to the staff at the Elephant Bones recently, it made sense for her to be stressed, even if she didn’t really show it usually. “... um, you know the rumors about this place… right? ”
Glitch turned to look at William, tilting her head “Hm? What rumors?”. “Uh... well… about the ED… and the fighting rings… I saw an article about it on the Hermod, and… i- it could be dangerous to be here for too long...” hearing William say that, Glitch seemed to recede for a bit, thinking to herself. “Mmm... well, it hasn’t been a problem yet! Right? Besides, the other chips haven’t arrived yet!” Glitch didn’t want to think much about it - so long as these fighting rings were away from her, she could just ignore them and go on with her life, but if it really was here, then maybe it would be good to avoid this place… but the fries were so good... Glitch took another look at the table she was sitting at and at the plate of fries she’d ordered. She grabbed a handful and ate them. “Mmm… after the second order of chips comes! Then we leave! But only after then!”
“Alright...” William didn’t like this very much, and he couldn’t help but shoot nervous glances around as Glitch finished up. Just about every staff member here was on edge and uncomfortable - he knew how to notice these things, and it would make sense if this place really was connected to the underground. Ugh… Why did he come along with Glitch? He’d just have to hope that the second order would come soon, and then they’d be able leave just as quickly as they came in.
Naturally, as if fate itself had conspired to screw him over, he couldn’t help but pick up on ‘something’. Guards around the floor peered nervously into their phones, and most of them began rushing towards the stairwell. Glitch had noticed as well, her ears picking up on the nervous murmurings of the guards and their hasty footsteps.
“Uhh… G- Glitch, something’s happening, we should-” “Pleh! Can’t you wait just a second! The chips aren’t here yet! This isn’t-”
Before Glitch could finish her sentence, something flew into the room - the body of a security officer, clearly tossed away by some stand, flew from the entrance to the second floor, and landed right in the middle of a group of more security officers.
“Oh god oh god it’s happening oh no oh no oh no oh-” William was, as expected, positively freaking out by now. Meanwhile, Glitch was keeping her ears peeled out, having picked up on something… interesting. The voice of two people she vaguely recognized from “Taste of Fortuna” a month or so back.
“Hey! That’s Agnes! And that other chef whose food is good! Even better than the chips!! What are they doing here, fighting?!”
Soon enough, Agnes and Arpeggi really did pop into the room, their stands summoned as they staved off some guards with them. Much to William’s chagrin, Glitch grabbed onto his hand and summoned [Vida Loca], before hopping onto it, the massive feline hoisting him onto it as well, before running right towards the source of the commotion…
And right into the footpath of a terrifying giant who seemed to suddenly fall from the ceiling, several eyes along its body looking to them as its head rotated 180 degrees. “Well, wouldn’t you like to know?”
Several minutes earlier, A Few Stories Lower - Sound’s Garden Abandoned Subway
“Are you sure this is the place? Seems pretty fucking trashy to me, honestly…”
“That’s what makes it a secret passage, Agnes… They’re not exactly rolling out the red carpet to tell you how to get there.”
“Ugh, Astronomia wasn’t built for this shit. You’re paying if something gets stuck somewhere.”
“You’ve crashed it how many times this month alone?”
Arpeggi Osso Buco sat in the sidecar of a motorbike driven by one Ananas “Agnes” Bayley, through the abandoned subways of the Eastern strip. He’d meant to take this trip alone, like he had before, but of course, this fucking guy had to be the first on the team to learn that he was a Stand User, an active vigilante, and not only in part responsible for a certain cult’s influence plummeting to nothing in Los Fortuna, but had dedicated himself to making an enemy of the blight of the Entertainment District.
“Fuck it, I’m down.”
“You’re… What?”
“I’m down. Fuck those guys. I don’t even need to ask any more questions, they’re an absolute disgrace to be shown up by a real villain, and if you’re hunting their boss down, I’m with you.”
“You are the last person I would want watching my back in a-”
“Or I can tell Gabanna what you’re doing so soon after getting SHOT last time you tried your luck with these guys.”
“…bastard. Okay, just don’t get in the way.”
Minus a near-scare with RCR’s nightmarish train nearly running them down without noticing, and Arpeggi having to explain at some point that it was both private information from a set of informants and news now publicly printed in multiple sources about the higher-ups of this organization, it had mostly gone smoothly since then.
As they drove closer to the underside of Heartache, Arpeggi signaled for Agnes to stop, noting a destroyed set of hollowed-out mannequins of sorts, smoking and smelling like gunpowder.
“Hell is that?” Agnes asked, looking down, but Arpeggi, in turn, didn’t quite seem surprised. Before he could explain, however, another, distorted voice cut through.
“You’re late.”
The revving of a second motorcycle, a sport bike, had quietly synced with Astronomia, and the pair looked up to see a figure clad in orange and black, winglike scarf drooping upside-down, its rider atop the ceiling of the tunnel.
“You.” Agnes spoke with contempt, despite having never seen the Black Angel in person before, only for them and their bike to drop down right in front of them, flipping in midair to land gracefully.
“You didn’t tell me you were bringing a friend, let alone… Him.” The Angel sounded dubious about Agnes’ presence, adding, “since you took time picking him up, I’ve had to start picking off these weird… hollow doll-guards myself. They almost noticed me in time to signal the boss. I really don’t have the time for this today.”
“Sorry about that, he insisted,” Arpeggi wrote off, not wanting to explain the somewhat unsurprising (“ran into one another while doing their vigilante rounds, got to talking about the ED mainly”) story how he and the Angel met, “and he’s here right now… Say what you like about him, you saw that Being So Normal, I assume. He’ll be an asset.”
“I’ll kick your ass-et,” Agnes grumbled, “fighting them alone my ass. Ugh, teaming up with masked hero types like this… Pisses me off. We should be kicking each other’s asses, Angel.”
“Deal with it,” the Angel wrote off, before adding, “our contacts in there… They said basically everyone we might have any reason to get is on that floor with them, watching Downtown.”
“Right, some madman is acting out there,” Arpeggi noted, folding his arms and looking Westward, “I take it that’s why you’re in a hurry? You want to deal with them quickly and head out there next?”
“You got it,” they answered, “and admittedly, there’s a reason I had to come here first… Something I’m going to prioritize the highest, and if we take too long, I’ll have to leave having only done that.”
“You’ve got a grudge, is that it?” Agnes asked, “you wanna punt some fucker before moving on?”
“That’s… not why I’m targeting him,” The Angel noted, before adding, “that sword the Conqueror Worm always has on him… The ‘Sword of Sir Aurel…’ The future of the city might depend on me getting that Downtown. The contacts say he still has it with him, just like on that stream.”
“You’re pissing me off, pretending you don’t care about just one-upping that bastard,” Agnes chided, adding, “act like you’re ‘heroes of justice’ all you want… I’m doing this because these guys piss me the hell off, and seeing them fall will make me laugh. Do all of us a favor, cut the bullshit, and admit you’re gonna enjoy this, yeah?”
The others didn’t say too much more of note, then, beyond the Angel briefly examining Astronomia, putting something all over it that they claimed would ‘make it maneuver better,’ which Arpeggi had to calm Agnes into accepting, especially considering it meant they could ride up stairs with relative ease.
“Alright, from this secret passage, it’s a straight shot up a few flights of stairs to the VIP room… We should be able to burst it down without ever disrupting all the public patrons and fortifications up on 1F. Hold on tight, you got that?”
The motorbikes revved, then, and the Angel’s led Agnes in seeming to leap into the air, driving up and along the walls of the stairwell, before a long-haired figure emerged from the Angel, aiming something at a metal reinforced door, firing into it a few times, and it shifted in place as Pork Soda rushed towards it, placing a tab on the material before ripping it away, liquid metal blasting in the opposite direction the door would fly and swing at rapid speed, swinging like a deadly projectile and cutting more powerful puppet guards away as the three burst in.
Arpeggi called out, “All that you’ve done ends here, Fox!”
Not long after Arpeggi called that out, Fox himself, of course, was quick to stand, as were a few bold-looking members of the crowd, hurrying towards the fighters with his own accompanying doll-guard, small enough to hold in two hands and, with his large frame, swing like a hammer-thrower, lobbing up towards them and bursting open into a mess of pointed rocks as he drew closer, repelling Arpeggi’s immediate attempts to approach.
The swinging door, embedded with odd screws and still gushing metal soda, began to fly towards him, only for the sound of a rifle to fill the room, a single warping bullet putting out every one of the odd screws and careening it to strike Arpeggi back, sending him flying down the stairwell before either the Angel or Agnes could react.
Seido, sitting at his edge of the bar, finished downing his drink, holding his weapon in one hand and grinning a bit, slurring slightly, “thas’ goin’ on your tab, boss…”
Fox smirked, then, rocks and sand swirling around him and beating back the remaining attackers’ efforts to burst forward. “Let’s not fight up here, gentlemen… I’ve set this place up nice for a very special guest. Take it downstairs. Seido, consider yourself on the clock now.”
Worm, then, seemed to realize the Angel was staring at his movements, diving down into the floor below to the terror of the 1F patrons, and the rider hurriedly cut away from the clash, leaving Agnes to fend for himself against the rocky onslaught of Fox, all while Oh No watched and Seido, quickly, lined up another shot. Even on this upgraded bike, he knew the only response to make there. “Fffuck this!”
Pork Soda reached for Astronomia, a tab appearing on its wheel which, as the Stand weathered rocky blows, it pulled, blasting Agnes back into the stairwell, where he hit the wall with an, “oof!” before hopping off of his ride, which crashed and plummeted down as he abandoned it to slide down the railing, doing a cool combat roll to cover Arpeggi and the Angel as they rolled into the first floor, clearly concerned about what Conqueror Worm being there would mean for the patrons. Fox and others were shortly behind, with a certain exception.
Though nobody could hear it, by Metra Doria’s choice, as soon as Seido had spoken that aloud, she’d kicked up the chair she’d been sulking in all ‘party’ long, a pair of headphones appearing along her neck as a blast of sonic energy kicked it directly into the head of the hitman. Her heart skipped a beat, then, and she muttered under her breath, “shit, that actually worked… I got lucky, huh?”
“Entirely,” Oh No agreed, stepping forth himself and stretching, producing a very large, intimidating revolver from his cloak and beginning, idly, to load it, “but don’t treat that as a failing, TD/MD… You saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you had the instincts to take it.” No closed the chamber, starting leisurely towards the stairs after the rest. “This is getting tiresome, isn’t it? You see it too, how dull this has gotten… What potential they’re wasting here. What do you say we speed along what’s been a long, long time coming?”
“Well, wouldn’t you like to know?”
A golden, shining sword appeared out of the giant’s gross hand, and his presence alone made Glitch want to wretch, the smell of the Conqueror Worm fell, and vibes even more rancid.
“We got two more troublemakers here, eh?” Worm asked her and William with an amused tone, “Hell just broke loose here, and you’re tryin’ to run headlong into it! I like that! I like that drive! So what do ya say? Attacka them!”
Glitch didn’t know this guy, but something about his gleeful nature, the way that William murmured to himself in alarm when he spoke those distorted words, made her hairs stand on end, made her want to hiss and immediately turn her attention to him, and it seemed, then, that Worm could sense this.
“Another one who ain’t a fan, huh?” He shook his head. “Disappointing, but typical.”
At that, he ducked into the floor, before attempting to burst out from underneath and drive his blade up into Vida Loca, barely being scraped before hopping away from the rising attack and meeting it with a sharp, harsh claw, beating back his raw strength with her Stand’s own.
“I don’t know who you are, but you’re really not the kind of bad news that’s any fun!” Glitch called out from atop her mount, pulling off in time to avoid the ambush of a hollowed-out guard and note two others bothering William.
“That guy looks underage… He ain’t allowed to be on a casino floor without ID!” Worm declared with amusement, fully expecting what came next as several of the doll-guards attempted to strong-arm him.
“G-get away… Get away from me!” William was freaking out, then, and fairly fearing for his life, allowed Ocean Eyes to manifest, swinging and spraying acid all around, which bounced uselessly off of Worm’s hide, didn’t so much as drop near Glitch or Vida Loca, and melted away the threats in an instant.
The casino floor was pandemonium then, several high rollers, some random patrons, and of course, every named member fighting, Stands flying. Arpeggi expertly caught rocks tossed by Fox, only for him to still control them even as they were made to burn by NEXT LEVEL 2, though this eroded away much of the sands of his barrier, backed up by Agnes as he very competently kept a rocky barrier up regardless, Metra standing close by, shifting her eyes. The Black Angel tried to drive headlong into Worm, continuing his mess of a situation, while Glitch, mostly, managed to sneak off on her own, trying to find a way to support William and calm him out of whatever this was.
“Don’t move,” a modulated voice behind her said, and she heard something click behind her.
“Mrr?” She turned, then, facing the barrel of Oh No’s revolver head-on.
“This might be a bit loud… But it’s about time this ended.”
Before Glitch could react, No had pulled the trigger twice. Neither shot so much as grazed her, but seemed to hit tables, cameras, walls, ricocheting about in apparent chaos, before finally…
“I… What did…” Blood ran down the organizational ringleader’s outfit, bleeding both from a massive wound to the back of his knee and opening a massive hole in his shoulder, as the rocks he had been flinging around dropped like… Rocks.
Tigran’s voice was the next thing to ring out through the casino, now mostly abandoned bar the combatants.
Fox hadn’t even heard the shots fired, thanks to Metra, let alone noticed their angles; after all, the only one he knew of who could make a shot like that was knocked out and drunk upstairs, not to mention loyal to Tigran’s paychecks.
No twirled his gun around, holstering it and patting the bewildered Glitch on the shoulder. “Thanks for holding still… Didn’t want to hit you and ruin it all, after all. Hmmhmmhmahaha!"
“You… You motherfuckers!” Tigran wanted to cry then, especially as the others drew closer, seeing everyone who had fought against an ally of his here as little more than an enemy. Still, though, facing them off, he had to calm himself.
“Stand down,” Arpeggi demanded, “you’re outnumbered, completely.”
Tigran, rather than giving up, began to speak again. “You know, as the owner of this casino, I know the power of ‘games’. You see, if you call it a ‘gamble’, that sounds so… negative, no? So you call it nothing more than a simple ‘game’. That’s what draws people in. Getting people to play ‘roulette’ is harder, but if you call it a ‘roulette game’ and mask it correctly, it’s so, so, easy… However, the moment the ball is launched, it doesn’t matter, does it? No difference between a ‘gamble’ and a ‘game’... the ‘contract’ is the same - you abandon your money for ‘entertainment’ and for a slim ‘hope’ that you’ll succeed this time and make bank… It’s all thanks to these ‘games’... All of you lot, don’t you think so? Aren’t ‘games’ great? Hell, I’ve got an idea for one we can play right now…”
“Wh- what the hell are you talking about!” Arpeggi shouted out in anger. “I’m not putting up with this shit! You want a ‘game’?! Sure, fine! Here, how about this one - I go up to you, and have fun beating the shit out of you!” rushing towards Tigran, Arpeggi readied a punch and swung towards him - only for his fist to stop in midair, hitting against some kind of invisible barrier. He reeled back from the impact, stumbling backwards, feeling… weak. A look behind him revealed that Agnes, Glitch, William, and even Metra, the Angel, and No seemed to be feeling the same, struggling to remain upright.
“Y- you ‘agreed’... heh…” Tigran’s previously panicked expression quickly faded, replaced by a wide grin. “You agreed to it! You agreed to the ‘game’!” By now, Tigran broke out into uproarious laughter. “Always! They always fall for it, tempted by ‘games’! You… you idiot! I put the answer right in front of you, and you still missed it! ‘Games’, by their very nature, are tricks! Illusions! And my [The Grid] has the power to facilitate that! By agreeing to the game, my [The Grid] forces you to participate! There’s no escape now - you’re trapped in this ‘game’ of mine!”
As he realized he had screwed them all right at the last moment, Arpeggi’s vision began fading, and he fell onto the ground with a thud, blacking out.
???, an hour later, Heartache Casino VIP room
“Alright! Seems like our contestants for the first impromptu match of the day are waking up!”
“Plrrr..?” Out of nowhere, Glitch found herself standing straight, awake, somewhere unfamiliar. She tried to listen to see what was going on, only hearing the groans of William, Agnes, and Arpeggi, indicating that they were in a similar position to her. Of course, there was also that voice - she was… a ‘contestant’. It wasn’t hard to roughly figure out what exactly she was a ‘contestant’ of. She, and...
“...William!” Behind her was a whimpering noise, evidently William, and the sound of droplets of some kind of liquid splashing onto the ground, clearly [Ocean Eyes]’s acid. Ahead of her were Agnes and Arpeggi, talking between themselves about what the hell happened. Arpeggi sounded mad. Agnes… she wasn’t sure how he sounded. But she gathered enough from their conversation to understand that somehow, they were currently inside of a roulette wheel. Or rather, she, and everyone else, was shrunk, and placed into a roulette wheel.
“Now, this match is simple - a deathmatch to see who manages to survive! However, since we’re at the heartache casino… there’s an appropriate twist involved! See, our combatants for today are fighting on a roulette table, and meanwhile, our spectators for today are placing ‘bets’ to see which colors win out! Representing ‘red’, we’ve got our very own ‘Fox’! On black, meanwhile, we’ve got ‘Tigran Sins’, who set this match up!”
She summoned [Vida Loca] besides her, taking a look through the stand’s eyes and seeing the environment for herself. She was dwarfed by the room, trapped inside of this small roulette wheel. There was nowhere to run. William’s whimpers had escalated into sobbing, as [Ocean Eyes] hugged him from behind. Arpeggi and Agnes were arguing by now, shouting at each other. She took a deep breath.
“Now… I won’t keep you waiting any longer, since I just know everyone here’s excited to see what happens! So...”
First, Glitch got tossed into Los Fortuna and found a new home there, with the rest of the staff at the Elephant Bones. Then, they started getting into fights with other stand users - Shelldrake, Effie, Byte, William. She hadn’t been in one yet, but she knew very well the effects of them. Her friends had gotten hurt, some such as Father Blue even dying. Then the situation in the slums got worse, her home becoming less and less safe by the minute, her friends getting extorted and forced to work for ODIN, and now she and William were trapped here.
“Three… Two… One...”
She needed to get out. She needed to fight. She needed to win. She could overhear Agnes and Arpeggi bickering on the other side of the wheel, but knew that they were going to try and fight her and William as well. They had to. They’d been trapped by that man’s stand, and none of them knew what could be done against it, if anything.
[Vida Loca] stood behind her, a constant vibration coming out of it and creating a loud hissing noise that was soon mimicked by [Ocean Eyes], drowning out William’s sobs. She knew full well that, even if he was her friend, William was also a dangerous killer, meek though he might have acted. As hard as that whole situation was to grasp, she understood something else - that the more she stayed near [Ocean Eyes], working alongside it, the safer she was. She and William had to get out of this. And if they wanted to get out of this...
They would have to fight for their lives.
(credit to magistelles for the image, both the censored and uncensored version!(CW: trypophobia))
Location: A roulette wheel in Heartache Casino, upon which players have been forcibly placed.
The map here is roughly similar to the image of the roulette wheel above. The outer brown layer represents the rim, the yellow layer being the wooden slopes down towards the center, the black layer being the numbers, the red layer being the pockets, the next layer being sloped wood up towards the center, and the center being a metal tower.
The map is 30 by 30 meters relative to the players, with the dotted tile being 5 by 5 meters.
The diamonds are the metal bumpers, about half a meter tall, and the blue circle is a weighted metal roulette ball which is a meter tall, both heights relative to the players.
The metal tower in the center is 8 meters tall relative to the players and the outside walls are 5 meters relative to the players. Players can not go past the rim of the roulette wheel.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information:
There is an invisible barrier keeping the players and their Stands inside the roulette wheel. Everything else will pass through as normal, but the players and their attacks will be blocked by this barrier. The barrier is cylindrical around the entire roulette wheel.
The roulette system is currently automatic, 5 seconds after the ball falls into a pocket or stops moving entirely, it will start rolling again at top speed clockwise. The max speed of the ball is equivalent to B SPD and the ball is A DUR. You can expect it to make around 8 revolutions around the wheel before losing most of its speed if it is unimpeded by the players.
If the ball is destroyed or unable to roll, a new one will be thrown in from outside.
Team Combatant JoJolity
The Graveyard Shift William Eyelash “W-Well, I'll be going now...” You’re being forced to fight, and you don’t want anything to do with this! During the match, try to stay on the backlines as much as possible, assisting from there!
The Graveyard Shift Tiger “Glitch” Ricky "Nowadays, 30,000 yen is gone after you make one or two trips... So all that's left is to make more money, or go flat broke." You are being forced to fight here, and you hate it, so you might as well do something to cause the casino to lose money! Do whatever you can to constantly rig the roulette in favor of odds!
BADD GUYS Arpeggi Osso Buco "Does that alien not know what 'holding back' means?" You were tricked by that asshole, and now you’ve got to fight these two bystanders?! Fuck, this makes you irritated. Destroy as much of the area as possible over the course of your strategy!
BADD GUYS Ananas “Agnes” Bayley "I did say this seemed fun, but I wasn't talking about Cee-lo. I meant that it'd be fun taking your 30,000 yen from you." That girl over there is trying to rig the game, so play the agent of chaos and rig it towards the other end! Do whatever you can to constantly rig the roulette in favor of evens!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by Dungeon_Dice to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

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Things to do this weekend (10/4-10/6)

Happy October! Here are all the big events happening this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday:
Visit a Haunted House - See the Megathread for dates / times.
Old MacDonald's Farm - final weekend
Bart's Farm and Pumpkin Patch
Amana Oktoberfest
RoughRiders Hockey
What Cheer Flea Market
SWITCHFOOT & Their Fantastic Traveling Music Show
Chocolate Walk 2019
Hello, Dolly!
Mamma Mia!
Anamosa Pumpkinfest
Luke Combs "Beer Never Broke My Heart" Tour
Adventureland's 5th Annual Oktoberfest
2019 Northside Oktoberfest
4th Annual Holistic Fair
Harvest Fest
Farm Glow
2019 Mount Vernon Chili Cook-Off
Movin' at the Museum Fitness Classes 2019
Iowa City Farmers' Market
Especially For You Race
Take Flight!
Killer Queen
MV Porchfest 2019
Hiawatha Farmers' Market
Mount Trashmore Mini Challenge
New Movies This Weekend:
Joker (R) -78% rating on Rotten Tomatoes
submitted by suckystraw to cedarrapids [link] [comments]

Free Movies Digital Codes Giveaway Megathread #3 [VUDU, iTunes, Movies Anywhere 4K etc]

Generate codes at https://oppfiles.com/710511
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A Madea Halloween (2016) Boogeyman (2005) Boogie Nights (1998) Book Club (2018) Book Thief, The (2014) Book of Eli, The (2010) Book of Life (3D), The (2015) Book of Life, The (2015) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) Bookshop, The (2019) Booksmart (2019) Boondock Saints, The (2000) Bootmen (2001) Booty Call (1998) Borat!: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) Bordertown (2008) Born into Struggle (2005) Born to Be Wild (IMAX) (2017) Born to Win (2014) Borrowers, The (1998) Boss 'n Up (2006) Boss Baby (3D), The (2017) Boss Baby, The (2017) Bossa Nova (2000) Boss, The (2016) Boss (2013) Bottom of the 9th (2019) Bounce Back, The (2017) Bounce (2001) Bound (1997) Bounty Hunter, The (2010) Bourne Identity, The (2002) Bourne Legacy, The (2012) Bourne Supremacy, The (2004) Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007) Bowfinger (1999) Bowling for Columbine (2003) Box of Moonlight (1997) Boxer, The (1998) Boxtrolls (3D), The (2014) Boxtrolls, The (2014) Box, The (2010) Boy A (2008) Boy Called Twist (2005) Boy Next Door, The (2015) Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The (2008) Boychoir (2015) Boyhood (2014) Boys Don't Cry (2000) Boys From County Clare, The (2004) Boys and Girls (2001) Boys are Back, The (2010) Boy, The (2016) Brüno (2009) Brad's Status (2018) Brahmanda Nayagan (2018) Brahms: The Boy II (2020) Brassed Off (1997) Bratz: The Movie (2007) Brave (3D) (2012) Brave One, The (2007) Braven (2018) Brave (2012) Breach (2007) Bread & Roses (2000) Bread & Tulips (2001) Break ke Baad (2010) Break-Up, The (2006) Breakaway (2011) Breakdown (1997) Breakfast on Pluto (2006) Breakin' All the Rules (2004) Breaking In (2018) Breaking The Waves (1997) Breaking Through (2015) Breaking and Entering (2007) Breakthrough (2019) Breathe (2018) Breed, The (2007) Brick Lane (2008) Brick Mansions (2014) Brick (2006) Bride & Prejudice (2004) Bride Wars (2009) Bride of Chucky (1999) Bride of the Wind (2002) Brideshead Revisited (2008) Bridesmaids (2011) Brides (2005) Bridge of Spies (2015) Bridge to Terabithia (2007) Bridget Jones's Baby (2016) Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Bridge, The (2000) Bright Star (2010) Bright Young Things (2004) Brightburn (2019) Brighton Rock (2011) Brimstone (2017) Bring it On (2000) Bringing Down the House (2003) Bringing Out the Dead (2000) Brokeback Mountain (2006) Brokedown Palace (1999) Broken Circle Breakdown, The (2014) Broken City (2013) Broken Embraces (2010) Broken Flowers (2005) Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy, The (2001) Broken Promises 3: The Final Insult (2011) Broken Promises 4-Ever (2018) Broken Wings (2004) Brooklyn's Finest (2010) Brooklyn (2015) Brother Bear (2004) Brotherhood (2011) Brothers Bloom, The (2009) Brothers Grimm, The (2006) Brothers, The (2001) Brothers (2010) Brothers (2015) Brother (2002) Brown Bunny, The (2004) Brown Sugar (2003) Bruce Almighty (2003) Brylcreem Boys (1997) Bubble Boy (2001) Bucket List, The (2008) Buddha Mar Gaya (2007) Buena Vista Social Club (2000) Buffalo 66 (1999) Buffalo Soldiers (2004) Bug's Life, A (1999) Bugs! 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(2019) Can You Keep a Secret? (2020) Can't Hardly Wait (1998) Candy (2006) Canyons, The (2014) Capernaum (2019) Capote (2006) Caprice's D'un Fleuve (1998) Captain America: Civil War (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Captain America: Civil War (3D) (2016) Captain America: Civil War (4DX) (2016) Captain America: Civil War (2016) Captain America: The First Avenger (3D) (2011) Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D) (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Captain Conan (1998) Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) Captain Fantastic (2016) Captain Marvel (3D IMAX) (2019) Captain Marvel (3D) (2019) Captain Marvel (4DX) (2019) Captain Marvel (2019) Captain Phillips (2013) Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (3D) (2017) Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) Captive State (2019) Captivity (2007) Capturing the Friedmans (2005) Caramel (2008) Career Girls (1997) Carmen in Khayelitsha (2005) Carnage (2012) Carol (2015) Carpool (1997) Carrie (2014) Cars 2 (3D) (2011) Cars 2 (2011) Cars 3 (3D) (2017) Cars 3 (2017) Cars (2006) Casanova (2006) Case for Christ, The (2017) Cash (2007) Casino Royale (2006) Cast Away (2001) Castle, The (1998) Cat in the Hat, The (2004) Cat's Meow, The (2003) Catch .44 (2012) Catch Me If You Can (2003) Catch That Kid (2004) Catch a Fire (2007) Catch and Release (2007) Catching Feelings (2018) Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (3D) (2010) Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010) Cats & Dogs (2001) Cats (2019) Catwoman (2004) Caught Up (1999) Caveman's Valentine, The (2001) Cave, The (2006) Celebration, The (2000) Celebrity (1999) Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012) Cellular (2005) Cell, The (2000) Cell (2016) Center of the World, The (2001) Central Intelligence (2016) Central Station (1999) Centre Stage (2000) Centurion (2010) Ceremony (2011) Chéri (2009) Chaar Sahibzaade (2016) Chak De India (2007) Chakravyuh (2012) Chalet Girl (2011) Chalte Chalte (2003) Chamber, The (1997) Chameleon (2011) Chameli (2004) Chance Pe Dance (2010) Chandni Chowk to China (2009) Chandramukhi (2005) Change-Up, The (2011) Changeling (2009) Changing Lanes (2002) Chaos Factor (2000) Chappaquiddick (2018) Chappie (IMAX) (2015) Chappie (2015) Charlie Bartlett (2008) Charlie St. Cloud (2010) Charlie Wilson's War (2008) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Charlie's Angels (4DX) (2019) Charlie's Angels (IMAX) (2019) Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) Charlie's Angels (2000) Charlie's Angels (2019) Charlotte Gray (2002) Charlotte's Web (2006) Charming (3D) (2018) Charming (2018) Chashme Baddoor (2013) Chasing Amy (1998) Chasing Mavericks (2013) Che: Part One (2009) Che: Part Two (2009) Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2006) Cheaper by the Dozen (2004) Cheeni Kum (2007) Chef in Love, A (1998) Chef (2014) Chef (2017) Chekka Chivantha Vaanam (2018) Cheliyaa (2017) Chennai Express (2013) Chernobyl Diaries (2012) Cherry Falls (2001) Chhalaang (2020) Chhapaak (2020) Chhichhore (2019) Chicago (2003) Chicken Little (2005) Chicken Run (2000) Chikin Biznis - The Whole Story (1999) Child 44 (2015) Child's Play (2019) Children Act, The (2018) Children of Heaven (1999) Children of Men (2006) Children of the Century, The (2000) Children of the Revolution (1998) Chill Factor (2000) Chill Out (2004) Chimpanzee (2013) China: The Panda Adventure (2001) Chinese Box (1998) Chloe (2010) Chocolat (2001) Chocolat (2016) Choice, The (2016) Choke (2008) Chokher Bali: A Passion Play (2004) Chopper (2001) Chori Chori (2003) Chorus, The (2005) Christmas Carol (3D), A (2009) Christmas Carol, A (2009) Christmas Cottage, The (2008) Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Christopher Robin (2018) Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The (2008) Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (2005) Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (3D), The (2010) Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The (2010) Chronicles of Riddick, The (2004) Chronicle (2012) Chuck & Buck (2001) Chumscrubber, The (2006) Chup Chup Ke (2006) Churchill (2017) Chutney Popcorn (2002) Cider House Rules, The (2000) Cinderella Man (2005) Cinderella Story, A (2004) Cinderella (2015) Circle, The (2017) Circus (2000) Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away (3D) (2013) Citizen Ruth (1997) City by the Sea (2002) City of Angels (1998) City of Ember (2009) City of God (2003) City of Industry (1997) City of Lies (2019) City of Men (2008) City of Violence (2014) Civil Action, A (1999) Claim, The (2001) Claire Dolan (1999) Clash of the Titans (3D) (2010) Clash of the Titans (2010) Clay Pigeons (1999) Clearing, The (2004) Clerks II (2007) Click (2006) Climbers, The (2019) Clockstoppers (2002) Closed Circuit (2013) Closer You Get, The (2000) Closer (2005) Closet, The (2002) Closing the Ring (2008) Cloud Atlas (2012) Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (3D) (2009) Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (IMAX) (2009) Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (2009) Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (3D) (2014) Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2014) Cloverfield (2008) Club Dread (2004) Coach Carter (2005) Cobbler, The (2015) Cock and Bull Story, A (2006) Cocktail (2012) Coco (3D) (2017) Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2010) Coco avant Chanel (2009) Coco (2017) Code Name: The Cleaner (2007) Code Unknown (2001) Cold Harbour (2014) Cold Light of Day, The (2012) Cold Mountain (2004) Cold Pursuit (2019) Colette (2018) Collateral Beauty (2017) Collateral Damage (2002) Collateral (2004) College Road Trip (2008) Collide (2017) Colombiana (2011) Colony, The (2014) Colossal (2018) Colour of Paradise, The (2000) Comebacks, The (2008) Comedian Harmonists (1999) Coming Home (2015) Commando 3 (2019) Committed (2000) Common Wealth (2001) Commuter (IMAX), The (2018) Commuter, The (2018) Company You Keep, The (2013) Company, The (2004) Con Air (1997) Conan the Barbarian (3D) (2011) Conan the Barbarian (2011) Concert, The (2011) Concussion (2015) Condemned, The (2008) Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2003) Confessions of a Gambler (2008) Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) Confession, The (1999) Confetti (2006) Confidence (2003) Conjuring 2, The (2016) Conjuring, The (2013) Connie and Carla (2005) Conspiracy Theory (1997) Conspirator, The (2011) Constant Gardener, The (2005) Constantine (2005) Contact (1997) Contagion (2011) Contender, The (2001) Contraband (2012) Conversations on a Sunday Afternoon (2006) Conversations with God (2007) Conviction (2011) Cookie's Fortune (1999) Cookout, The (2005) Cool It (2011) Cooler, The (2004) Copland (1998) Copposites (2012) Coral Reef Adventure (2003) Coraline 3D (2009) Coraline (2009) Core, The (2003) Coriolanus (2012) Corky Romano (2002) Corporate Ladder (1997) Corporate (2006) Corpse Bride (2005) Cosi (1997) Cosmic Africa (2003) Counselor, The (2013) Count of Monte Cristo, The (2002) Countdown (2019) Counterfeiters, The (2008) Country Bears, The (2002) Country Strong (2011) Couples Retreat (2009) Couples' Night (2019) Courageous (2012) Cousin Bette (1998) Covenant, The (2006) Cove, The (2010) Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Coyote Ugly (2000) Crónicas (2005) Cradle 2 the Grave (2003) Cradle Will Rock (2000) Crank: High Voltage (2009) Crank (2007) Crash (2005) Crawl (2019) Crazies, The (2010) Crazy Heart (2010) Crazy Monkey — Straight Outta Benoni (2005) Crazy Rich Asians (2018) Crazy in Alabama (2000) Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) Creation (2010) Creature (3D) (2014) Creed II (2018) Creed (2015) Creep (2005) Crew, The (2001) Crime of Padre Amaro, The (2003) Criminal (2016) Crimson Peak (IMAX) (2015) Crimson Peak (2015) Crimson Rivers, The (2001) Critical Care (1999) Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, The (2002) Croods (3D), The (2013) Croods, The (2013) Crook (2010) Crossing Over (2009) Crossroads (2002) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2001) Croupier (2002) Crow: Salvation, The (2000) Crow: Wicked Prayer, The (2006) Cruel Intentions (1999) Crush (2002) Cry of Love (2016) Cry_Wolf (2006) Cuba: An African Odyssey (2008) Cube (2001) Cup, The (2000) Cup, The (2012) Cure for Wellness, A (2017) Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The (2009) Current War, The (2019) Curry & Vice (2013) Curse of Highway Sheila, The (2014) Curse of La Llorona, The (2019) Curse of the Golden Flower (2007) Curse of the Jade Scorpion, The (2002) Cursed (2005) Cut Bank (2015) Cut-Out Girls (2019) Cyrus (2010) crazy/beautiful (2001) D Déjà Vu (2006) D-Tox (2002) DOA: Dead or Alive (2007) DUFF, The (2015) Da Vinci Code, The (2006) Daawat-e-Ishq (2014) Dabangg 2 (2012) Dabangg 3 (2019) Dabangg (2010) Daddy Day Camp (2007) Daddy Day Care (2003) Daddy and Them (2002) Daddy's Home 2 (2017) Daddy's Home (2016) Daddy's Little Girls (2007) Daddy (2017) Dallas Buyers Club (2014) Damage (2010) Damsels in Distress (2012) Dan in Real Life (2008) Dance Flick (2009) Dance With Me (1998) Dancer Upstairs, The (2003) Dancer in the Dark (2001) Dancing at Lughnasa (1999) Dangal (2016) Dangerous Ishhq (2012) Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The (2003) Danish Girl, The (2016) Danny Collins (2015) Danny Deckchair (2006) Darbar (2020) Daredevil (2003) Darjeeling Limited, The (2008) Dark Blue (2003) Dark City (1998) Dark Knight Rises, The (2012) Dark Knight, The (2008) Dark Phoenix (3D IMAX) (2019) Dark Phoenix (3D) (2019) Dark Phoenix (2019) Dark Places (2015) Dark Shadows (2012) Dark Skies (2013) Dark Tide (2012) Dark Tower (4DX), The (2017) Dark Tower, The (2017) Dark Waters (2020) Dark Water (2005) Darkest Hour (3D), The (2012) Darkest Hour, The (2012) Darkest Hour (2018) Darkest Minds, The (2018) Darkness Falls (2003) Darkness (2005) Darling Companion (2012) Darling (2007) Date Movie (2006) Date Night (2010) Dawn of the Dead (2004) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (3D) (2014) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) Day Watch (2007) Day the Earth Stood Still, The (2008) Daybreakers (2010) Dazzle (2002) De Dana Dan (2009) De De Pyaar De (2019) De-Lovely (2004) Dead Girl, The (2007) Dead Man Down (2013) Dead Man on Campus (1998) Deadpool (4DX) (2016) Deadpool (IMAX) (2016) Deadpool 2 (4DX) (2018) Deadpool 2 (IMAX) (2018) Deadpool 2 (2018) Deadpool (2016) Dear Frankie (2005) Dear John (2010) Dear White People (2015) Dear Zindagi (2016) Death Defying Acts (2008) Death Proof (2008) Death Race (2008) Death Sentence (2007) Death Warrior (2010) Death Wish (2018) Death at a Funeral (2007) Death at a Funeral (2010) Deception (2008) Deck the Halls (2006) Deconstructing Harry (1998) Dedh Ishqiya (2014) Deep Blue Sea (1999) Deep Crimson (1998) Deep End of the Ocean, The (1999) Deep End, The (2002) Deep End (2019) Deep Impact (1998) Deep Rising (1998) Deep Sea (3D)(IMAX) (2006) Deep Water (2007) Deepwater Horizon (4DX) (2016) Deepwater Horizon (IMAX) (2016) Deepwater Horizon (2016) Deewaar (2004) Deewane Huye Paagal (2005) Defiance (2009) Definitely, Maybe (2008) Delhi Belly (2011) Delhi-6 (2009) Deliver Us From Evil (2007) Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Delivery Man (2014) Demolition (2016) Den of Thieves (2018) Denial (2017) Departed, The (2006) Departures (2009) Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2009) Derailed (2006) Descendants, The (2012) Descent: Part 2, The (2010) Descent, The (2006) Desert Dancer (2015) Desi Boyz (2011) Desierto (2016) Desperate Measures (1998) Despicable Me (3D) (2010) Despicable Me 2 (3D) (2013) Despicable Me 2 (2013) Despicable Me 3 (3D) (2017) Despicable Me 3 (2017) Despicable Me (2010) Destiny of Her Own, A (1999) Destiny (1998) Destroyer (2019) Detachment (2013) Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! (2015) Detroit Rock City (2000) Detroit (2017) Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005) Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigalo (2000) Deuces Wild (2002) Dev (Tamil) (2019) Dev (Telugu) (2019) Devdas (2002) Devil Inside, The (2012) Devil Wears Prada, The (2006) Devil's Advocate (1998) Devil's Backbone, The (2003) Devil's Double, The (2011) Devil's Due (2014) Devil's Island (1998) Devil's Knot (2014) Devil's Own, The (1997) Devils on the Doorstep (2002) Dev (2004) Dev (2019) Dhaam Dhoom (2008) Dhadak (2018) Dhadkan (2001) Dhamaal (2007) Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal (2007) Dhobi Ghat (2011) Dhol (2007) Dhoom 2 (2006) Dhoom: 3 (IMAX) (2013) Dhoom: 3 (2013) Dhoom (2004) Diana (2013) Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2006) Diary of a Teenage Girl, The (2015) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017) Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010) Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) Dick (1999) Dictator, The (2012) Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2010) Die Another Day (2002) Die Ballade van Robbie de Wee (2013) Die Hard 4.0 (2007) Die Laaste Tango (2013) Die Ongelooflike Avonture van Hanna Hoekom (2010) Die Ontwaking (2016) Die Pro (2015) Die Rebellie van Lafras Verwey (2017) Die Seemeeu (2019) Die Sneeukoningin (3D) (2015) Die Sneeukoningin 2 (3D) (2016) Die Sneeukoningin 2 (2016) Die Sneeukoningin (2015) Die Spook van Uniondale (2014) Die Stropers (2018) Die Stropers (2019) Die Verhaal van Racheltjie de Beer (2019) Die Windpomp (2014) Die Wonderwerker (2012) Digimon (2001) Dil Bole Hadippa! (2009) Dil Chahte Hai (2001) Dil Dhadakne Do (2015) Dil Hai Tumhaara (2002) Dil Jo Bhi Kahey (2005) Dil Ka Rishta (2003) Dil Maange More (2005) Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha (2004) Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji (2011) Dilemma, The (2011) Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (2005) Dilwale (2015) Dino Time (3D) (2013) Dino Time (2013) Dinosaurs Alive (2009) Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia (2007) Dinosaur (2000) Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004) Dirty Grandpa (2016) Dirty Picture, The (2011) Dirty Pretty Things (2003) Dirty Shame, A (2005) Dirty Work (1999) Dis Ek, Anna (2015) Dis Koue Kos, Skat (2016) Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them, The (2015) Disappointments Room, The (2017) Disaster Artist, The (2018) Disaster Movie (2008) Disconnect (2013) Discreet (2008) Disgrace (2009) Dishoom (2016) Dish, The (2001) District 13: Ultimatum (2010) District 9 (2009) Disturbia (2007) Disturbing Behavior (1999) Divergent Series: Allegiant (4DX), The (2016) Divergent Series: Allegiant (IMAX), The (2016) Divergent Series: Allegiant, The (2016) Divergent Series: Insurgent (3D)(IMAX), The (2015) Divergent Series: Insurgent (3D), The (2015) Divergent Series: Insurgent, The (2015) Divergent (2014) Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002) Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The (2008) Divorcing Jack (1999) Django Unchained (2013) Do Knot Disturb (2009) Do You Believe? (2015) Dobaara: See Your Evil (2017) Dobermann (1998) Doctor Sleep (2019) Doctor Strange (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Doctor Strange (3D) (2016) Doctor Strange (4DX) (2016) Doctor Strange (2016) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) Dog's Journey, A (2019) Dog's Purpose, A (2017) Dog's Way Home, A (2019) Dogma (1999) Dogtown and Z-Boys (2002) Dogville (2004) Doing Time for Patsy Cline (1998) Dolittle (3D IMAX) (2020) Dolittle (3D) (2020) Dolittle (4DX) (2020) Dolittle (2020) Dolly ki Doli (2015) Dolphin Tale (3D) (2012) Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) Dolphin Tale (2012) Dolphins (2001) Domestic Disturbance (2002) Dominee Tienie (2019) Domino (2006) Don 2 (3D) (2011) Don 2 (2011) Don Jon (2014) Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2011) Don't Breathe (2016) Don't Move (2005) Don't Say a Word (2002) Donnie Brasco (1997) Don (2006) Doomsday (2008) Doom (2005) Door in the Floor, The (2004) Dope (2015) Dora and the Lost City of Gold (4DX) (2019) Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) Dora's Peace (2016) Dorian Gray (2010) Dostana (2008) Dosti: Friends Forever (2005) Dot the I (2006) Double Dhamaal (2011) Double Jeopardy (2000) Double Take (2001) Double Team (1997) Doubt (2009) Doug's 1st Movie (1999) Down a Dark Hall (2018) Down in the Valley (2006) Down to Earth (2001) Down to You (2000) Down with Love (2003) Downfall, The (2005) Downsizing (2018) Downton Abbey (2019) Dr Agaki (1999) Dr Dolittle (1998) Dr T & the Women (2001) Dr. Cabbie (2014) Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! (2008) Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (3D) (2012) Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012) Dracula 2000 (2001) Dracula Untold (IMAX) (2014) Dracula Untold (2014) Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1997) Drag Me to Hell (2009) Dragonball: Evolution (2009) Dragonfly (2002) Dream Girl (2019) Dream House (2011) Dream Life of Angels, The (1999) Dreamcatcher (2003) Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2006) Dreamers, The (2004) Dreamgirls (2007) Dreaming of Joseph Lees (2000) Dredd 3D (2012) Dressmaker, The (2016) Dress, The (1997) Drillbit Taylor (2008) Drishyam (2015) Drive Angry 3D (2011) Drive Hard (2014) Drive Me Crazy (2000) Driven to Kill (2009) Driven (2001) Drive (1997) Drive (2011) Driving Lessons (2007) Drona (2008) Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) Drop, The (2014) Drowning Mona (2001) Drumline (2003) Drum (2005) Duchess, The (2009) Duck Duck Goose (2018) Dude, Where's My Car (2001) Dudley Do-Right (1999) Due Date (2010) Duets (2001) Dukes of Hazzard, The (2005) Duke, The (2000) Dulha Mil Gaya (2010) Dum Maaro Dum (2011) Dumb and Dumber To (2014) Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) Dumbo (3D IMAX) (2019) Dumbo (3D) (2019) Dumbo (2019) Dumplin' (2019) Dungeons & Dragons (2001) Dunkirk (IMAX) (2017) Dunkirk (2017) Duplex (2004) Duplicity (2009) Dus Kahaniyaan (2007) Dus (2005) Dying of the Light (2015)
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(Offer) Canadian Google Play codes (Request) Offers, GP or MA

I have the following codes that will activate on a Canadian Google Play account.
I'm looking for other movies that I can activate on Google Play in Canada or in Movies Anywhere/Vudu.

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(Offer) CA + UK Google Play codes (Request) Offers, CA GP or MA

I'm looking for other movies that I can activate on Google Play in Canada, or on Movies Anywhere/Vudu.
Canadian Google Play codes
UK Google Play Codes
submitted by Zomby2D to uvtrade [link] [comments]

[US to world] Tons of minis! Perfect for stocking stuffers! Lots of skincare, makeup, 30+ perfume vials, and some palettes. Mostly mid/low end

I’m going out of the country, so I won’t be able to ship Nov 18-Dec 4. I will have sporadic wifi access so can still reply from time to time; if we do decide on a sale during that time it’s totally fine if you want to wait until I get back to pay.


Only swapping for these items at this tim, and may consider buying for good price:


feel free to ask for additional pics!
Lorac First three
  • Tease me truffles (swatched) - $8
  • Mega pro 1 (purchased with original launch & have receipt to verify upon request. Most shadows not touched. Cream has most use, and black has a small dip) - $40
  • Pro 1 (Pretty heavily used, several pans. See pic!) - $15
  • Pro matte (dips in latte, linen, bare almost entirely used) - $8
  • Sultry Starlet (BNIB) - $8
Empty palettes
  • Colourpop 4 pan - $2
  • ABH 4 pan - $1
  • Empty Makeup geek x Manny MUA palette (I deported this palette, so it’s slightly scuffed around the edges of some pans, but I thought someone might want it) - FWP
  • Striped medium z palette (some scruffs and dings) - $10


  • Estee Lauder 05 in the buff (new) - $8
  • Mac naked (used & sharpened a few times) - $8
  • Starlooks bare (new and wrapped) - $1
  • Laura Mercier naked (new) - $8
  • Smashbox always sharp in crimson (new) - $8
  • Tartiest mini lipliners in latergram and mood ring (new) - $4 each
Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks: All BNIB Summer collection
  • $10 each: nude beach, 714, queen bee, virginity, watermelon soda
  • $15: masochist
OCC electric grandma, radiate, authentic: Old packaging, all new - $5 each
Bite beauty:
  • Retsina luminous creme lipstick (BNIB) - $10
  • Mini amuse bouches in bellini (used 1x) and kale (new) - $4 each
  • Matte creme lip crayon in blanc (new) - $8
  • Matte creme lip crayon mini in pastille (BNIB) - $6
  • High pigment pencil mini in pomagranate (bullet may fall out of the tube, used 3x) - $2
Mac lipsticks:
  • Shanghai spice (used roughly 5x) - $10
  • Flat out fabulous (well loved) - $6
  • Strip poker, with the Osbourne packaging (swatched, no box) - $15
  • Goddess of the sea, with the alluring aquatics packaging (swatched, no box) - $17
  • Siren song, with the alluring aquatics packaging (BNIB) - $18
  • Patent polish in kittinish (new) - $8
Other mid end lipsticks: All new except UD rapture
  • Smashbox magenta matte - $6
  • Estee lauder lip flip shade transformer in turn down - $6
  • UD Rapture (from the revolution line?) (Used 1x) - $6
  • Tarte lipsurgence in flush - $6
Drugstore lip crayons: Ulta lip crayon in fashionista (new), Pop crayon in rose romance, Laqa lip lube in an unnamed purple color (used 2x) - $1 each
Balms: All new
  • Fresh sugar advanced therapy lip treatment mini - $6
  • Chapstick classic - FWP
  • Korres lip butter in guava - $5
Liquid lipsticks
  • $6 each for the minis - Buxom whipped in centerfold, KVD backstage bambi, UD amulet, Stila patina, Tarte’s birthday shade (no name?), Bare Minerals gen nude in swag (all new)
  • Too faced Melted full size in ruby (used 2x) - $7
  • Rimmel Show off lip lacquer in big bang (new) - $2
Mini lipsticks:
  • Buxom full bodied lipsticks in a pinky coral shade that I’m pretty sure is ‘mistress,’ but the label has rubbed off (used 3x) and swinger (used 2x) - $3 each
  • Urban Decay jilted (new, but has a lot of wax bloom) - FWP
  • Bare minerals marvelous moxie in Get Ready (new) - $4
  • Sephora rouge shine lipstick in Love Spell (new) - $3
  • MUFE artist rouge matte in M401 (new) - $4
  • Nudestix intense matte lip & cheek color in Belle (new) - $3
  • Grande lips plumper DS (new) - $2
  • Mac X Ellie Goulding lipgloss in Explosion (RIS, so not sure on usage, but thought someone might want it) - FWP
  • Buxom mini glosses/lip creams in White Russian, Kir Royale (new) - $5 each
  • Buxom Gloss in Dolly (new) - $10
  • Marc Jacobs, Pretty Thing (new) - $5
  • Bite Bellini DS(used 1x) - $3
  • Sephora gel gloss DS in Pin Up Pink (new) - $1
  • Hikari lipgloss full size in Merlot (new) - $1


Drugstore small palettes:
  • Wet & Wild trio for brown & hazel eyes (see usage) - $1
  • Milani runway eyes in Designer browns (see usage, and bottom shade broken) - $1
  • Coastal Scents Revealed 1 sampler (new) - FWP
Pigments, loose shadows, glitters: NYX on the go glitter in Royal Purple (used 2x), Bella Terra mineral shadow in Emotion (new), Bare Minerals loose shadow in Cultured Pearl (new, but labels have rubbed off from being in my purse), Ulta mineral shadow in snow (used 1x), Cailyn mineral eye polish in Orchid (new), L’Oreal Infalliable in Midnight Blue (used 2x), Maybelline color tattoo pure pigment in Potent Purple (new) - $1 each
Urban Decay shadows: Oz, sellout, bordello, psychedelic sister (All new except Oz, which was swatched) - $8 each
Pressed single shadows:
  • Mac Odd couple (dip in both sides; this is a large sized baked shadow) - $5
  • NYX Cryptonite (new, but clear plastic is falling off from the front window) - $1
  • Hard Candy High Maintenance duo (used 2x) - $1
  • Wet & Wild some blue shade (used 1x) - FWP
  • Lancome Purple Pumps (new) - $6
  • Revlon diamond luster shadow in Plum Galaxy (new) - $1

Eyes - Other

Mascara: Full sized & new
  • Too faced Better Than Sex - $15
  • Lorac Pro - $8
  • Tarte Lights Camera Lashes - $15
Mascara minis: All new, and $5 each unless otherwise stated
  • Pic 1 - Givenchy noir culture one mascara four facets in black satin, Lancôme definicils, Lancome Hypnose drama excessive black (x2), Marc Jacobs velvet noir, Bobbi brown eye opening mascara
  • Pic 2 - Buxom lash, Too Faced Better than Sex .17 and .13 oz ($4), Mac false lashes ($2), Mac extreme dimension ($2), Tarte lash paint, Tarte lights camera lashes, Urban Decay perversion
  • Pic 3 - Too Faced Better than Sex waterproof (.13oz) - $4
Liquid and cream eyeliners: All new except NYX
  • Stila stay all day intense black - $6
  • KVD ink liner in Trooper - $6
  • Benefit push up liner - $3
  • Nicka K shimmer eyeliner in Green - $2
  • NYX liquid crystal liner in Crystal Onyx (used 1x) - $1
  • Elizabeth Mott You’re so fine glitterati liner - $2
Pencil liners:
  • Dimitri James Skinn liner in Navy Seal (new) - $1
  • ME eyeliner in amethyst (new) - FWP
  • Urban Decay 24/7 in Binge (sharpened 1-2x) - $7
  • Bobbi Brown DS liner in Jet (new) - $4
  • Sephora collection DS contour eye pencils in Black and Flirting Game (new) - $3 each
  • MUFE DS liner in M-10 (black) (new) - $4
  • Urban Decay 24/7 liner in minx (new, but dried so that the liner has shrunk into the tube. Not sure if still usable) - FWP
Brows: Sephora brow wax sharpened 1x ($2); Benefit Gimme Brow Shade #5 (new, DS) ($4)
Shadow sticks: NYX jumbo eye crayon in Milk (used 1x) ($2); Laura Mercier Caviar stick DS in Rose Gold (new) ($4)

Single Shadow Pans

Please look up swatches! The bright blue paper coupled with bad lighting is REALLY distorting some colors
Mac See usage, most gently used. Some were pro pans and some depots, so not all have label, and some have a magnet over the label (let me know if you want to know what the back of a specific shade looks like). $5 each unless otherwise noted
  • Group 1 | Omega, ??? (a medium warm brown), Swiss Chocolate, Omega, Gesso, Shroom, Ricepaper, Phloof, Texture
  • Group 2 | Goldmine, Tempting, Suspicion, Smut, Beauty Sleep, Look at the Eyes, Aquadisiac, Vainglorious
Makeup Geek: Some are depots from their Vegas Lights or Manny MUA palette; these have names printed directly on the back, rather than on a stickelabel
  • 5 each - Mirage, Casino, Sin City (small dip, $4), Taupe Notch, Preppy, Aphrodite
ABH: $8 each
  • Bling (x2), Legend, Penny Metal, Amber, Bengal, Iridescent Purple
Misc Shadows
  • Pic 1 | Coastal Scents pumpkin pie, Morphe Blackberry - $1 each
  • Pic 2 | Kryolan M22, Saucebox Spectral
Z palette with deported UD and laura mercer shadows: RIS and I took out what I would use. Not sure what to ask for this, but I believe the UD shadows are from nakeds 1 and 2. Please make offer!


Becca mineral tint SPF 30: New, $10
Urban Decay Naked Skin BB in Medium: One new ($12) and one used 3x ($10).
  • Marcelle desert glow BB mini - $1 Everything else in this photo is no longer available
Powder Highlighters:
  • ABH Rivera and Peach nectar (swatched) - $25
  • Becca Prismatic Amethyst (New and no longer available, so asking retail+tax, i.e. what I paid)
  • Bobbi Brown DS shimmer brick in Bronze (new) - $10
  • Becca Moonstone DS (new) - $8
  • Tarte Exposed DS (new) - $7
Hourglass Luminous Light: Used 2-3x - $30
Cream and liquid highlighters:
  • Chella highlighter stick in Ivory Lace (used 2x) - $2
  • Kryolan cream highlight pot in Cashmere (used 1x) - $1
  • Bare Minerals Well Rested liquid highlighter (used 2x) - $5
  • Milk mini highlighter stick in Lit (new) - $5
  • Make Face DS gloss (new) - $2
  • Cover FX DS liquid drops in Moonlight (new) - $5
  • Nudestix DS all over face color in Illumi-naughty (new) - $4
  • Benefit Dandelion Shy Beam DS (new) - $2
  • Benefit Dandelion Dew liquid highlight DS (new) - $3
  • Benefit High Beam (full size, new) - $10
Face color:
  • Laura Gellar DS baked blush in Pink Grapefruit (new) - $5
  • Tarte DS Park Ave Princess contour stick (new) - $3
  • Mac bronzer in Golden, in the alluring aquatics packaging (used 3x) - $25
  • Tarte DS blush in Paaarty (new) - $5
  • Benefit DS blush in Dandelin (new) - $4
Blush Pans: Please look up swatches. Color is not showing up true at all due to baby blue background and bad lighting
  • Makeupgeek summer fling (used couple times; can’t tell from pic but it’s a peach color) - $5
  • Inglot #51 - $5
DS Primers: All new
  • $6 - Becca First Light priming filter
  • $5 each - Glamglow glowstarter, Cover FX illuminating primer, MUFE step 1
  • $4 each - Smashbox photofinisher (1 left), Too Faced primed & poreless, Benefit Porefessional
DS Powders: Both new
  • Laura Mercier translucent setting powder - $7
  • IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Pores pressed powder - $2
Benefit Porefessional License to blot stick DS: New, $3
DS Concealers and 1 foundation that got miscategorized: All new
  • KVD Lockit in L3 Warm - $4
  • Yaby Foundation in Buff - $1
  • Trestique concealer stick in Bisque - $1

Skin Minis

DS Sunscreen and Finishers
  • Tarte tarteguard SPF 30 (used 1x) - $2
  • Coola makeup setting spray (new) - $3
  • Josie Maran argan finishing balm (new) - $3
  • Drunk Elephant Umbra tinted sunscreen SPF 30 (new) - $4
  • Drunk Elephant Umbra sheer sunscreen SPF 30 (new) - $5
Mini Masks and Treatments: All new
  • Fresh rose face mask - $4
  • Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion exfoliator - $4 each
  • Lancer the method: Polish - $5
  • Dr. Jart+ Vital Hydra Solution deep hydration sheet mask - $5
DS Toners and Serums: All new
  • Fresh black tea age delay toner - $4
  • Algenist recharging night pressed serum - $4
  • Boscia charcoal pore pudding - $5
  • Caudalie instant detox mask - $5
  • Caudalie vinoperfect radiance serum - $5
  • Josie Maran organ oil - $3
  • Julep luxe repair serum, full sized - $5
  • MUFE skin booster serum - $2
DS Potted Moisturizers: All new
  • Sunday Riley CEO and Tital enzyme water - $5 each
  • Drunk Elephant Lala Retro whipped cream - $6
  • IT Cosmetics confidence in a cream - $4
  • Ole Henrickson sheer transformation - $5
  • Belief true cream moisturizing bomb and aqua bomb (x2) - $5 each
Other DS Moisturizers and creams: All new
  • Ren evercalm global protection cream - $3
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizer - $4
  • Clinique pep start hydroblur moisturizer - $1
  • Drunk Elephant B-Hydra hydration gel (.5 oz, large size) - $12
  • Kate Somerville goat milk moisturizing cream - $6
  • Dr. Jart water drop - $6
  • Clarins beauty flash balm - $3
  • Neutrogena hydro blur gel cream - $1
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizing mattifying fluid - $2
DS Makeup Removers: All New
  • Caudalie micellar water (3.38oz, HUGE bottle) - $10
  • Josie Maran argan cleansing oil - $2
  • Boscia makeup breakup cool cleansing oil - $5
DS Face washes: All new
  • Epice purifying exfoliant - $2
  • Drunk elephant jelly cleanser 1oz ($7) and .5oz ($5)
  • Glamglow dualcleanse - $4
  • Suki exfoliate foaming cleanser - FWP

Hair Minis

Everything is new unless otherwise stated
Volume and Texture minis: $4 each
  • Proganix volume builder and root booster (may not be a DS, as this is pretty large, 5.1oz)
  • Serge Normant dream big volume spray
  • Caviar volume mist
  • Octavio la playa sea spray
  • Amika undone texture spray (used 1x)
  • EVA NYC up all night volume spray
Treatment minis: $4 each
  • Dry Bar bay breeze hydrating shot
  • Verb leave in mist for detangling, defraying, & conditioning, 2.1 oz and 1oz ($3)
  • Briogeo rosary milk restorative leave in conditioning spray
  • Caviar anti aging dry oil mist
  • Bumble & bumble leave in conditioner
  • Ouai treatment mask (x2)
  • n4 restore and repair oil - FWP
Styling minis: $4 each
  • Bumble & Bumble BB curl styling primer
  • Marc Anthony oil of Morocco argan oil hairspray
  • Living Proof nourishing styling cream
  • Kenra Blow dry spray - $2 each
  • Not Your Mothers deja vu style extender

Tools and Misc

Coastal Scents 6 eye brush set with pouch: New - $8
Beauty Blender items: All new
  • Mini beauty blender - $7
  • Blotterazi (one pad) - $5
  • Mini solid brush cleaner - $5
Nail Polish: All new
  • Julep polishes (all new) - Cynthia, Anisa, Queen Anne, Lexie, Courtney - $2 each
  • Other: Formula X “Astronomical”, Nails Inc matte top coat, Seche Vite quick dry top coat, Sally Hanson “Fuzz-sea”, Sally Hanson (don’t know the name, but it’s like a top coat with matte glitters) - $2 each for first 3, $1 each for last two

Perfume vials

In the past I’ve sold these for 50 cents each, sold a bunch in one large lot, and given them FWP to those who wanted to try specific ones. Feel free to ask/offer!
Pics in random groups of 10: 1, 2, 3, 4
And, again in random order:
  • Jo Malone wood sage & sea salt
  • Marc Jacobs daisy
  • Marc Jacobs daisy dream
  • Marc Jacobs decadence
  • Gucci made to measure x2
  • Versace bright crystal
  • Versace yellow diamond
  • Atlier orange sanguine
  • Atlier clementine california
  • Atlier sud magnolia
  • Acqui di Parma (something I can’t read) (x2)
  • Escada turquoise summer
  • Ralph Lauren tender romance
  • Nest black tulip
  • John Varvatos (just says eau de toilette)
  • Prada candy
  • Queen of Hungary mist/Bhudapest/Omorovicza (not sure which is brand and which is perfume name haha)
  • Giorgio Armani Si x2
  • Derek Crosby Lam rain day
  • Derek Crosby Lam ellpsis
  • Derek Crosby Lam silent st.
  • Chanel Gabrielle
  • Lacoste Eau de Lacoste
  • Lacoste Live pour homme
  • Hermes terre d’Hermes
  • Replica by the fire place
  • Dolce & Gabanna light blue
  • YSL black opium
  • Dior sauvage
  • Clean reserve amber saffron
  • Elizabeth & James nirvana rose
  • Bvlgari Omnia crystalline
  • Harvey Prince Sincerely
submitted by mutterings to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

[US to world] Back again :) Tartelette toasted BN, skincare, and as always, tons of minis. Mid-high end items.


Only swapping for these items at this time, and may consider buying for good price:


feel free to ask for additional pics!
Lorac First three
  • Tease me truffles (swatched) - $7
  • Pro 1 (Pretty heavily used, several pans. See pic!) - $15
  • Pro matte (dips in latte, linen, bare almost entirely used) - $8
  • Sultry Starlet (BNIB) - $7
Tartelette toasted (BNIB) - $32
Empty palettes
  • Colourpop 4 pan - $2
  • ABH 4 pan - $1


  • Estee Lauder 05 in the buff (new) - $7
  • Mac naked (used & sharpened a few times) - $7
  • Starlooks bare (new and wrapped) - $1
  • Laura Mercier naked (new) - $7
  • Smashbox always sharp in crimson (new) - $7
  • Tartiest mini lipliners in latergram and mood ring (new) - $3 each
Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks: All BNIB Summer collection
  • $10 each: nude beach, 714, queen bee, virginity, watermelon soda
  • $15: masochist
OCC electric grandma, radiate, authentic: Old packaging, all new - $3 each
Bite Beauty Lipsticks: Group 1 | Group 2 with palomino and radish | Group 3 with liner, primer, and sweet cream
  • Mauvember luminous creme lipstick (2016 version I believe) (used 2x) - $15
  • Retsina luminous creme lipstick (BNIB) - $10
  • Mini luminous creme lipstick in palomino (new) - $4
  • Mini amuse bouches in bellini (used 1x), radish (new), sweet cream (new) - $4 each
  • Matte creme lip crayon in blanc (new) - $8
  • Line and define lip primer (new) - $5
  • Mini matte creme lip crayon in pastille (BNIB) - $5
  • High pigment pencil mini in pomagranate (bullet may fall out of the tube, used 3x) - $2
  • The lip pencil in 04 - $3
Mac lipsticks:
  • Shanghai spice (used roughly 5x) - $10
  • Flat out fabulous (well loved) - $6
  • Strip poker, with the Osbourne packaging (swatched, no box) - $15
  • Goddess of the sea, with the alluring aquatics packaging (swatched, no box) - $17
  • Siren song, with the alluring aquatics packaging (BNIB) - $18
  • Patent polish in kittinish (new) - $6
Other mid end lipsticks: All new except UD rapture
  • Smashbox magenta matte - $5
  • Estee lauder lip flip shade transformer in turn down - $5
  • Tarte lipsurgence in flush - $5
Drugstore lip crayons: Ulta lip crayon in fashionista (new), Pop crayon in rose romance, Laqa lip lube in an unnamed purple color (used 2x) - $1 each
Milani lipstick in plumrose (used 3x) - $2
Balms: Chapstick classic - FWP
Liquid lipsticks
  • $6 each for the minis - Buxom whipped in centerfold, KVD backstage bambi, KVD Lovecraft, UD amulet, Stila patina, Tarte’s birthday shade (no name?), Bare Minerals gen nude in swag (all new)
  • Too faced Melted full size in ruby (used 2x) - $7
  • Rimmel Show off lip lacquer in big bang (new) - $2
Mini lipsticks:
  • Buxom full bodied lipsticks in a pinky coral shade that I’m pretty sure is ‘mistress,’ but the label has rubbed off (used 3x) and swinger (used 2x) - $3 each
  • Urban Decay jilted (new, but has a lot of wax bloom) - FWP
  • Bare minerals marvelous moxie in Get Ready (new) - $4
  • Sephora rouge shine lipstick in Love Spell (new) - $2
  • Sephora rouge creme lipstick in The Red (new) - $2
  • MUFE artist rouge matte in M401 (new) - $4
  • Grande lips plumper DS (new) - $2
  • Mac X Ellie Goulding lipgloss in Explosion (RIS, so not sure on usage, but thought someone might want it) - FWP
  • Buxom mini glosses/lip cream in Kir Royale (new) - $4
  • Buxom Gloss in Dolly (new) - $10
  • Marc Jacobs, Pretty Thing (new) - $5
  • Bite Bellini DS (used 1x) - $2
  • Sephora gel gloss DS in Pin Up Pink (new) - $1
  • Hikari lipgloss full size in Merlot (new) - $1
  • ABH lipgloss in Kristen mini (new) - $2


Drugstore small palettes:
  • Wet & Wild trio for brown & hazel eyes (see usage) - $1
  • Milani runway eyes in Designer browns (see usage, and bottom shade broken) - $1
Pigments, loose shadows, glitters: Bella Terra mineral shadow in Emotion (new), Bare Minerals loose shadow in Cultured Pearl (new, but labels have rubbed off from being in my purse), Ulta mineral shadow in snow (used 1x) - $1 each
Urban Decay shadows: Oz (swatched) - $8
Pressed single shadows:
  • Mac Odd couple (dip in both sides; this is a large sized baked shadow) - $5
  • NYX Cryptonite (new, but clear plastic is falling off from the front window) - $1
  • Hard Candy High Maintenance duo (used 2x) - $1
  • Wet & Wild some blue shade (used 1x) - FWP
  • Lancome Purple Pumps (new) - $5
  • Revlon diamond luster shadow in Plum Galaxy (new) - $1

Eyes - Other

Mascara: Full sized & new
  • Too faced Better Than Sex - $14
  • Lorac Pro - $7
  • Tarte Lights Camera Lashes - $14
Mascara minis: All new, and $5 each unless otherwise stated
  • Pic 1 - Givenchy noir culture one mascara four facets in black satin, Lancôme definicils, Lancome Hypnose drama excessive black (x2), Marc Jacobs velvet noir, Bobbi brown eye opening mascara
  • Pic 2 - Buxom lash, Mac false lashes ($2), Mac extreme dimension ($2), Tarte lash paint, Tarte lights camera lashes, Urban Decay perversion
  • Pic 3 - Too Faced Better than Sex waterproof (.13oz) - $4
Liquid and cream eyeliners: All new except NYX
  • Stila stay all day intense black - $6
  • KVD ink liner in trooper - $6
  • Nicka K shimmer eyeliner in Green - $1
  • Elizabeth Mott You’re so fine glitterati liner - $2
Pencil liners:
  • Dimitri James Skinn liner in Navy Seal (new) - $1
  • ME eyeliner in amethyst (new) - FWP
  • Urban Decay 24/7 in Binge (sharpened 1-2x) - $7
  • Sephora collection DS contour eye pencils in Black and Flirting Game (new) - $2 each
  • MUFE DS liner in M-10 (black) (new) - $4
  • Urban Decay 24/7 liner in minx (new, but dried so that the liner has shrunk into the tube. Not sure if still usable) - FWP
Brows: Sephora brow wax sharpened 1x ($2); Benefit Gimme Brow Shade #5 (new, DS) ($4)
Shadow sticks: NYX jumbo eye crayon in Milk (used 1x) ($2)

Single Shadow Pans

Please look up swatches! The bright blue paper coupled with bad lighting is REALLY distorting some colors
Mac See usage, most gently used. Some were pro pans and some depots, so not all have label, and some have a magnet over the label (let me know if you want to know what the back of a specific shade looks like). $5 each unless otherwise noted
  • Group 1 | Omega, ??? (a medium warm brown), Swiss Chocolate, Omega, Gesso, Ricepaper, Phloof, Texture
  • Group 2 | Goldmine, Tempting, Suspicion, Smut, Beauty Sleep, Look at the Eyes, Vainglorious
Makeup Geek: Some are depots from their Vegas Lights or Manny MUA palette; these have names printed directly on the back, rather than on a stickelabel
  • 5 each - Mirage, Casino, Sin City (small dip, $4), Taupe Notch, Preppy, Aphrodite
ABH: $8 each
  • Bling (x2), Legend, Penny Metal, Amber, Bengal, Iridescent Purple, Rose gold, Birkin


Becca mineral tint SPF 30: New, $8
Urban Decay Naked Skin BB in Medium: One new ($10) and one used 3x ($8).
  • Marcelle desert glow BB mini - $1
Powder Highlighters:
  • ABH Rivera and Peach nectar (swatched) - $24
  • Becca Prismatic Amethyst (New and no longer available, so asking retail+tax, i.e. what I paid)
  • Bobbi Brown DS shimmer brick in Bronze (new) - $10
  • Tarte Exposed DS (new) - $7
Hourglass Luminous Light: Used 2-3x - $30
Cream and liquid highlighters:
  • Chella highlighter stick in Ivory Lace (used 2x) - $2
  • Kryolan cream highlight pot in Cashmere (used 1x) - $1
  • Milk mini highlighter stick in Lit (new) - $5
  • Make Face DS gloss (new) - $2
  • Benefit Dandelion Shy Beam DS (new) - $2
  • Benefit Dandelion Dew liquid highlight DS (new) - $3
  • Benefit High Beam (full size, new) - $10
  • Mac strobe cream mini (new) - $3
Face color:
  • Laura Gellar DS baked blush in Pink Grapefruit (new) - $5
  • Mac bronzer in Golden, in the alluring aquatics packaging (used 3x) - $23
  • Tarte DS blush in Paaarty (new) - $5
  • Benefit DS blush in Dandelion (new) - $4
  • MUFE cheek color mini in b32 - $3
Blush Pans: Please look up swatches. Color is not showing up true at all due to baby blue background and bad lighting
  • Makeupgeek summer fling (used couple times; can’t tell from pic but it’s a peach color) - $5
  • Inglot #51 - $5
DS Primers: All new
  • $6 - Becca First Light priming filter
  • $5 each - Glamglow glowstarter, Cover FX illuminating primer, MUFE step 1
  • $4 each - Smashbox photofinisher (1 left)
DS Concealers and 1 foundation that got miscategorized: All new
  • KVD Lockit in L3 Warm - $4
  • Yaby Foundation in Buff - $1
  • Trestique concealer stick in Bisque - $1

Skin Minis

DS Sunscreen and Finishers
Mini Masks and Treatments: All new
Mini overnight treatments: All new
  • Kate somerville retinol firming eye cream - $4
  • Origins night-a-mins night cream - $4
  • Ole Henrickson invigorating night treatment - $4
DS Toners and Serums: All new
DS Potted Moisturizers: All new
  • Sunday Riley CEO and Tital enzyme water - $5 each
  • IT Cosmetics confidence in a cream - $4
  • Ole Henrickson sheer transformation - $4
  • Belief true cream aqua bomb (x2) - $4 each
Other DS Moisturizers and creams: All new
  • Ren evercalm global protection cream - $3
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizer - $4
  • Drunk Elephant B-Hydra hydration gel (.5 oz, large size) - $12
  • Kate Somerville goat milk moisturizing cream - $4
  • Clarins beauty flash balm - $3
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizing mattifying fluid - $2
DS Makeup Removers: All New
  • Caudalie micellar water (3.38oz, HUGE bottle) - $9
  • Boscia makeup breakup cool cleansing oil - $5
DS Face washes: All new
  • Epice purifying exfoliant - $2
  • Drunk elephant jelly cleanser 1oz ($7) and .5oz ($5)
  • Glamglow dualcleanse - $4
  • Suki exfoliate foaming cleanser - FWP

Hair Minis

Everything is new unless otherwise stated
Volume and Texture minis: $4 each
  • Proganix volume builder and root booster (may not be a DS, as this is pretty large, 5.1oz)
  • Serge Normant dream big volume spray
  • Caviar volume mist
  • Octavio la playa sea spray
  • Amika undone texture spray (used 1x)
  • Amika perk up dry shampoo
Treatment minis: $4 each
  • Dry Bar bay breeze hydrating shot
  • Verb leave in mist for detangling, defraying, & conditioning 1oz ($3)
  • Briogeo rosary milk restorative leave in conditioning spray
  • Bumble & bumble leave in conditioner
  • Ouai treatment mask (x2)
  • n4 restore and repair oil - FWP
  • Living Proof nightcap overnight treatment
Styling minis: $4 each
  • Marc Anthony oil of Morocco argan oil hairspray
  • Kenra Blow dry spray - $2 each

Tools and Misc

Coastal Scents 6 eye brush set with pouch: New - $8
Beauty Blender items: All new
  • Mini beauty blender - $6
  • Blotterazi (one pad) - $4
  • Mini solid brush cleaner - $4
Sephora VIB Rouge face brush (new) - $5
Nail Polish: All new
  • Julep polishes (all new) - Cynthia, Queen Anne, Lexie, Courtney - $2 each
  • Other: Formula X “Astronomical”, Nails Inc matte top coat, Seche Vite quick dry top coat, Sally Hanson “Fuzz-sea”, Sally Hanson (don’t know the name, but it’s like a top coat with matte glitters) - $2 each for first 3, $1 each for last two
#Perfume vials: All gone!
In the past I’ve sold these for 50 cents each, sold a bunch in one large lot, and given them FWP to those who wanted to try specific ones. Feel free to ask/offer!
Pics in random groups of 10: 1, 2, 3, 4
All gone!
* My Burberry Blush * Marc Jacobs daisy * Marc Jacobs daisy dream * Marc Jacobs decadence * Gucci made to measure * Versace bright crystal * Versace yellow diamond * Atlier orange sanguine * Atlier clementine california * Acqui di Parma (something I can’t read) (x2) * Escada turquoise summer * Ralph Lauren tender romance * Nest black tulip * John Varvatos (just says eau de toilette) * Prada candy * Queen of Hungary mist/Bhudapest/Omorovicza (not sure which is brand and which is perfume name haha) * Giorgio Armani Si (one eau de parfume and one eau de toilette) * Chanel Gabrielle * Lacoste Eau de Lacoste * Replica beach walk * Replica by the fireplace * Dolce & Gabanna light blue * Clean reserve amber saffron
submitted by mutterings to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

[US to World] Mountains of Minis, Mix of Makeup and Skincare, Shadow Pans. Mid-end brands including ABH, Tarte, Urban Decay, Becca, MUG, Mac, KVD, Jeffee Star, Drunk Elephant, Fresh, and more.


Only swapping for these items at this time, and may consider buying for good price:


feel free to ask for additional pics!
Tartelette in bloom, pic and pic (Moderate usage; small dips in a few shades. Firecracker is probably the most heavyily used) - $25


  • Estee Lauder 05 in the buff (new) - $7
  • Mac naked (used & sharpened a few times) - $7
  • Starlooks bare (new and wrapped) - $1
  • Laura Mercier naked (new) - $7
  • Smashbox always sharp in crimson (new) - $7
  • Tartiest mini lipliners in latergram and mood ring (new) - $3 each
Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks: All BNIB
Bite Beauty Lipsticks:
  • Mauvember luminous creme lipstick (2016 version I believe) (used 2x) - $15
  • Minis | Bellini (luminous Creme, used 1x), radish (luminous Creme, new), palomino (amuse Bouche, new) - $4 each
  • Others, all minis except primer | the lip pencil in 04 (new, $3), Matte Creme lip crayon in pastille (new, $5), high pigment pencil in pomegranate (used 3x and bullet a little loose in tube, $2), Matte Creme lip crayon in blanc (new, $5), line and define lip primer (full sized & new, $5)
Mac lipsticks:
  • Shanghai spice (used roughly 5x) - $10
  • Flat out fabulous (well loved) - $6
  • Strip poker, with the Osbourne packaging (swatched, no box) - $15
  • Goddess of the sea, with the alluring aquatics packaging (swatched, no box) - $17
  • Siren song, with the alluring aquatics packaging (BNIB) - $18
  • Patent polish in kittinish (new) - $6
Other mid end lipsticks: All new
  • Smashbox magenta matte - $5
  • Estee lauder lip flip shade transformer in turn down - $5
  • Tarte lipsurgence in flush - $5
Drugstore lip crayons: Ulta lip crayon in fashionista (new), Pop crayon in rose romance, Laqa lip lube in an unnamed purple color (used 2x) - $1 each
Milani lipstick in plumrose (used 3x) - $2
Liquid lipsticks:
  • $5 each for the minis - Buxom whipped in centerfold, KVD backstage bambi, Stila patina, Tartiest birthday suit, (TF melted listed below), Bare Minerals gen nude in swag, ciate voodoo, (rimmel listed below)
  • More minis - (Urban Decay 'amulet', Stila 'bacca', KVD Lovecraft (all new)
  • Smashbox liquid lipstick mini, doesn't say the color, but it' a mauvy pink - $4
  • Too faced Melted full size in ruby (used 2x) - $7
  • Rimmel Show off lip lacquer in big bang (new) - $1
Mini lipsticks:
Dr. Lipp mini miracle balm (new) - $2


Drugstore small palettes:
  • Wet & Wild trio for brown & hazel eyes (see usage) - $1
  • Milani runway eyes in Designer browns (see usage, and bottom shade broken) - $1
Pigments, loose shadows, glitters: Bella Terra mineral shadow in Emotion (new), Bare Minerals loose shadow in Cultured Pearl (new, but labels have rubbed off from being in my purse), Ulta mineral shadow in snow (used 1x), NYX roll on shimmer in sublimateur (used 2x) - $1 each
Urban Decay shadows: Oz (swatched) - $8
Pressed single shadows:
  • Mac Odd couple (dip in both sides; this is a large sized baked shadow) - $5
  • NYX Cryptonite (new, but clear plastic is falling off from the front window) - $1
  • Hard Candy High Maintenance duo (used 2x) - $1
  • Wet & Wild some blue shade (used 1x) - FWP
  • Lancome Purple Pumps (new) - $5
  • Revlon diamond luster shadow in Plum Galaxy (new) - $1
Cream Shadows

Eyes - Other

Mascara: Full sized & new
  • Lorac Pro - $7
  • Tarte Lights Camera Lashes - $14
Mascara minis: All new, and $4 each unless otherwise stated
  • Pic 1 - Givenchy noir culture one mascara four facets in black satin, Lancôme definicils, Lancome Hypnose drama excessive black (x2), Marc Jacobs velvet noir, Bobbi brown eye opening mascara
  • Pic 2 - Buxom lash (x2), Benefit they're real, Mac false lashes ($2), Mac extreme dimension ($2), Tarte lash paint, Tarte lights camera lashes, Urban Decay perversion
  • TF better than sex waterproof (.13oz)
  • Urban decay troublemaker
Liquid and cream eyeliners: All new except NYX
  • Nicka K shimmer eyeliner in Green - $1
  • Elizabeth Mott You’re so fine glitterati liner - $1
Pencil liners:
  • Dimitri James Skinn liner in Navy Seal (new) - $1
  • ME eyeliner in amethyst (new) - FWP
  • Urban Decay 24/7 in Binge (sharpened 1-2x) - $7
  • Sephora collection DS contour eye pencils in Black and Flirting Game (new) - $2 each
  • MUFE DS liner in M-10 (black) (new) - $4
  • Urban Decay 24/7 liner in minx (new, but dried so that the liner has shrunk into the tube. Not sure if still usable) - FWP
  • Urban Decay 24/7 liner in 1999 (sharpened a couple of times) - $7
  • Sephora brow wax (sharpened 1x) - $2
  • ABH brow wiz in soft brown x2, medium brown, and dark brown (new) - $14 each (I have so many because my Ulta points were expiring)
NYX jumbo eye crayon in 'milk': (used 1x) ($2)

Single Shadow Pans

Please look up swatches! My bad lighting is REALLY distorting some colors
Mac See usage, most gently used. Some were pro pans and some depots, so not all have label, and some have a magnet over the label (let me know if you want to know what the back of a specific shade looks like). $5 each unless otherwise noted
Makeup Geek: $5 each Some are depots from their Vegas Lights or Manny MUA palette; these have names printed directy on the back rather than on a label
  • Group 1 - Mirage, Casino, Sin City (small dip, $4), Taupe Notch, Preppy, Aphrodite
  • Group 2 - Vanilla bean, beaches & cream, bake sale, frappe, sidekick, cocoa bear, cabin fever, corrupt
  • Group 3 - Shimma shimma, rapunzel, magic act, cosmopolitan, homecoming, lucky penny, pocket change, legend
ABH: $8 each
  • Bling (x2), Legend, Penny Metal, Bengal, Iridescent Purple, Birkin
Colourpop come and get it, double date
MUFE D/S shadow in I-544 (used 2x) - $2


DS Primers: All new
  • $6 - Becca First Light priming filter
  • $5 each - Glamglow glowstarter, Cover FX illuminating primer, MUFE step 1
  • $4 each - Benefit porefessional, benefit porefessional license to blot, Peter Thomas Roth skin to die for, Smashbox photofinish radiance, MUFE Ultra HD blurring primer w/SPF 25
Foundation/BB Creams:
DS Concealers and 1 foundation that got miscategorized: All new
  • KVD Lockit in L3 Warm - $4
  • Yaby Foundation in Buff - $1
  • Trestique concealer stick in Bisque - $1
Powder Highlighters:
  • ABH Rivera and Peach nectar (swatched) - $24
  • Becca Prismatic Amethyst (New) - $27
  • Bobbi Brown DS shimmer brick in Bronze (new) - $10
  • Tarte Exposed DS (new) - $7
  • Elf baked highlighter in 'blush gems' (used a few times) - $1
  • Mac lightscapade old version (dome flattened slightly) - $18
Cream and liquid highlighters:
Face color:
  • Laura Gellar DS baked blush in Pink Grapefruit (new) - $5
  • Mac bronzer in Golden, in the alluring aquatics packaging (used 3x) - $23
  • MUFE cheek color mini in b32 - $3
Blush Pans: Please look up swatches. Color is not showing up true at all due to baby blue background and bad lighting
  • Makeupgeek summer fling (used couple times; can’t tell from pic but it’s a peach color) - $5
  • Inglot #51 - $5
Bare Minerals mineral veil mini (new) - $3


(All are minis unless otherwise stated)
Drunk Elephant C-firma (full sized, new) - received direct from DE this April/May (I can dig up verification if needed) ($65)
Josie Maran argan finishing balm (new) - $3
Mini Masks and Treatments: All new
Mini overnight treatments:
DS Toners and Serums: All new
DS Potted Moisturizers: All new
Other DS Moisturizers and creams: All new
DS Face washes: All new
  • Epice purifying exfoliant - $2
  • Drunk elephant jelly cleanser 1oz ($7) and .5oz ($5)
  • Glamglow dualcleanse - $4
WilmaSchumann Hydrating collagen eye pads (1 pack) - $1

Hair Minis

Everything is new unless otherwise stated
Volume and Texture minis: $4 each
  • Proganix volume builder and root booster (may not be a DS, as this is pretty large, 5.1oz)
  • Serge Normant dream big volume spray
  • Octavio la playa sea spray
  • Amika undone texture spray (used 1x)
  • Amika perk up dry shampoo
  • IGK Down & Out Dirty Spray (used 1x)
  • Ouai texturizing hair spray
Treatment minis: all new, and $4 each unless otherwise stated 1st group
  • Dry Bar bay breeze hydrating shot
  • Verb leave in mist for detangling, defraying, & conditioning 1oz ($3)
  • Caviar anti frizz Dry oil mist
  • Beauty protector leave in conditioner
  • Ouai treatment mask (x2)
2nd group
3rd group
  • Caviar 10 in 1 leave in hair perfctor
  • Ouai Leave in conditioner
  • Beauty Protector shampoo & conditioner set ($4 for the set)
Styling minis: $4 each
  • Marc Anthony oil of Morocco argan oil hairspray
  • Kenra Blow dry spray - $2 each

Tools and Misc

Coastal Scents 6 eye brush set with pouch: New - $8
Sephora VIB Rouge face brush (new) - $5
Replica perfume rollerball in 'beach walk' (used 5x) - $15
Nail Polish: All new
  • Julep polishes (all new) - Cynthia, Queen Anne, Lexie, Courtney - $2 each
  • Other: Formula X “Astronomical”, Nails Inc matte top coat, Sally Hanson “Fuzz-sea”, Sally Hanson (don’t know the name, but it’s like a top coat with matte glitters) - $2 each for first 3, $1 each for last two
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